Teacher Development and Evaluation
In August of 2015 the Nashua Board of Education approved a new Teacher Development and Evaluation System (TDES), based on the recommendation of the District’s Teacher Development and Evaluation Committee. This Committee is comprised of ten members appointed by the Superintendent and ten members appointed by the Nashua Teachers' Union, recognizing the importance of collaboration between the administration and the Union in revising the current evaluation system. The work of the committee coincides with the recent release of a new state framework for teacher development and evaluation recommended by the NH Department of Education.
Full implementation of the new system begins in September 2015. However, over time the Teacher Development and Evaluation Committee will continue to monitor implementation of the TDES and make recommendations for changes to the System to the Nashua Board of Education.
For more information please contact Robin Peringer, NTU Co-Chair.
Teacher Development and Evaluation Committee Members
For the Nashua Teachers' Union
Claudia Decker, Nashua High School NorthMeghan Durden, Charlotte Avenue Elementary SchoolHolly Evans, Elm Street Middle SchoolStacey Grigas-Lewis, Sunset Heights Elementary SchoolKen Heaton, Nashua High School SouthStephanie Keating-Bayrd, Fairgrounds Middle SchoolLinda Lennon, Elm Street Middle School Adam Marcoux, Nashua Teachers' Union PresidentJennifer Martel, New Searles Elementary School Susan Rourke, Nashua High School SouthVacant For the Nashua School District
Ian Atwell, Elm Street Middle SchoolTrish Beaulieu, Charlotte Avenue Elementary SchoolCherrie Fulton, Dr. Crisp Elementary SchoolJay Harding, New Searles Elementary SchoolMichael Harrington, Fairgrounds Elementary SchoolLynne Joseph, Pennichuck Middle SchoolLesa McQuesten, Nashua High School SouthDr. Jahmal Mosley, Co-Chair, Superintendent of SchoolsKeith Richard, Nashua High School South Diane Vienneau, District-Wide Peer CoachTBD, Board of Education Member 2018-2019 Meeting Schedule