About the NTU

The Nashua Teachers' Union is a member of the American Federation of Teachers.  The Nashua Teachers' Union was granted a charter of June 27, 1949.  Since that time, the Nashua Teachers' Union has grown to organization consisting of over 1,500 members covering four collective bargaining units: 

The purpose of the Nashua Teachers' Union shall be:

~ To promote the professional, economic, and social welfare of the teachers, para-educators, secretaries, and food service personnel

~ To encourage the hiring and retention of competent teachers, para-educators, secretaries, and food service personnel

~ To secure for them all the rights and privileges to which they are entitled in a free society, by remaining the exclusive bargaining agency

~ To raise the standard of the teaching profession 

~ To encourage active participation of all teachers in the solution of school problems

~ To promote the welfare of children of Nashua by providing a progressively better educational environment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, and social, political, or economic status.

~ To promote education as a social agency for developing the capacities of the young, for enlightening adults, and for working toward a society motivated by the ideal of service and democratic participation

~ To increase public awareness of the values and the achievements of our school system and to aid in interpreting to the community the functions and problems of the public schools

~ To encourage the chartering of a local retiree organization

~ To promote the aims and objectives of the New Hampshire Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers, and the State and National AFL-CIO