Retirement Information
Are you a teacher toying with the idea of retiring at the end of this school year? If you are, please take note of the rules in the contract. In order to be eligible for severance in the teachers' contract, a binding letter of retirement is due no later than February 1st.
4:9 Severance Pay A. Upon the retirement or death of a bargaining unit member in the employ of the District who has at least ten years seniority in the District, the BOARD shall pay to that employee, or the employee’s estate in the case of death 1/184 of the step (of the column) on which the teacher is paid for each day of the employee’s accumulated sick leave then remaining to a maximum of 100 days. Effective with employees retiring after July 1, 2015, severance payments will be further limited to no more than forty-percent (40%) of the employee’s latest annual base salary. To be eligible for the severance benefit, the employee must deliver to the office not later than February 1 a binding letter of retirement for the end of that contract year. The Superintendent, under extenuating circumstances, may accept a letter of retirement after February 1 without loss of severance benefits.
Letters should be addressed to the Superintendent and sent to Human Resources. They should include the date delivered, a line stating you are retiring at the end of the 2018/2019 school year, and your signature. Please remember to have HR stamp that it was received and then make a copy for your record. If you have any questions, or would like me to look over your letter, please feel free to contact me (