Professional Development Master Plan
The primary purpose of the Professional Development Master Plan Committee is the development and implementation of a Master Plan that meets local in-service needs and indicates objectives, program activities, and evaluative tools relative to the improvement of the quality of education and increased student performance. The development of the Professional Development Master Plan required numerous meetings and participation of a wide variety of district stakeholders. During these meetings, the committee developed a plan that incorporated current research and responded to numerous shifts in understanding of best practices in professional development. The following outlines the shifts in professional development that are reflected in Nashua’s Professional Development Master Plan and specifically, the shift to an evidence-based documentation of professional learning.
Responsibilities of the Professional Development Master Plan Committee:
Provide direction and ensure consistency of all professional development processes as they relate to District Goals, NH State Regulations and data from multiple sources;
Develop and implement a Master Plan that will coordinate and satisfy the professional growth of certified staff to continuously meet the educational needs of students as well as oversee professional growth and staff recertification requirements;
Explore and share research related to adult learning;
Evaluate the effectiveness of the District professional development processes;
Provide a forum for communication among the Professional Development Master
Plan Committee and other district committees;
Continuously monitor the implementation of the Master Plan and make necessary revisions or adjustments using data from multiple sources;
Communicate the professional development process and procedures to all members of the educational community and community-at large (parents).
Membership on the Professional Development Master Plan Committee
It is the District’s intent to provide representation from all stakeholders in the professional development process allowing for a powerful and safe environment that increases professional learning in order to maximize student learning. Membership includes an equal number of teachers and administrators selected and configured thus:
Appointed by the NTU (14) Appointed by the Superintendent (14)
Elementary 4 Elementary Administrators 4
Middle School 2 Middle School Administrators 1
High School 4 High School Administrators 2
Districtwide/specialist 3 Districtwide 2
Para-educator 1 Board of Education 1
Assistant Superintendent 1
Others designated 3
For more information please contact Ken Heaton, NTU Co-Chair.
Professional Development Master Plan Committee Members
For the Nashua Teachers' Union
Adam Marcoux, Nashua Teachers' Union PresidentElementary Schools
Kathleen DuDevoir, Bicentennial Elementary SchoolDeb Howes, Amherst Elementary SchoolHallie Stone, Main Dunstable Elementary SchoolDave Varano, Birch Hill Elementary SchoolMiddle Schools
Linda Lennon, Elm Street Middle SchoolDenise Rock, Elm Street Middle SchoolHigh Schools
Kim Carrozza, Nashua High School SouthMaureen Curran, Nashua High School NorthKen Heaton, Co-Chair, Nashua High School SouthRobin Peringer, Nashua High School SouthDistrict-Wide/Specialists
Scott Jaquith, Fairgrounds Middle SchoolMargaret Maroni, Pennichuck MIddle SchoolVacantParaeducator
Bobbie Desjardins, New Searles Elementary SchoolFor the Nashua School District
Dr. Garth McKinney, Co-Chair, Assistant SuperintendentElementary Schools
Tracey Cassady, Dr. Crisp Elementary SchoolVacantVacantVacantMiddle Schools
Helayne Talbott, Fairgrounds Middle SchoolHigh Schools
Nathan Burns, Nashua High School NorthKeith Richard, Nashua High School SouthDistrict-Wide
VacantDiane Vienneau, District-Wide Peer CoachOther Appointees
Donna Fitzpatrick, Assistant SuperintendentVacantVacantBoard of Education
Doris Hohensee2018-2019 Meeting Schedule