Week of September 26, 2022

Helping the Finocchiaro Family

Message from the President

COVID Guidelines for the 2022 - 2023 School Year

As a friendly reminder, the district has issued COVID guidelines for this school year. All of that information is available on the district website. If you have any questions, please speak to your building administration.

Missing Contract Language - Teachers' Contract

In reviewing the 2021 - 2025 Teachers' Contract, it was discovered that a sentence from the redline copy was unintentionally left out of the final draft. Tonight, the Board of Education is expected to take up a MOU to acknowledge this language was intended to be in the contract and that it will be placed in the next agreement. While we will not be reprinting the contract books, the change will be made in all of the digital copies of the contract and replaced on websites. The missing language is in Article 8:2 E:

Unified Arts at the elementary level may use their evening meetings, excluding open house, on nights different than those of the rest of the school for the purposes of holding evening concerts, book fairs, art fairs, similar activities, and/or similar activities. Unified Arts teachers at the elementary level will meet with their building principal by no later than September 30th to tentatively schedule these evening meetings.

Staff Listening Sessions Registration link: https://forms.gle/qiUnYbQsdSVb8Cry5

AFT Debt Clinic in Nashua

Our colleagues from the Nashua Public Library Employees Union, AFT Local 4831, will be hosting AFT Student Debt Clinics on Monday, October 3rd. They have opened up the registration to NTU members.  Debt clinics will be held at 3:30pm and 5:30pm at the library in the Chandler Wing. You must pre-register for the event AND be a member of the NTU. Please contract the NTU Office if you have any questions.

Pre-Registration Link

Know Your Contract

We all have those times when we may need to leave a little early for an appointment, meeting at another school, etc. In most cases, administration is flexible and gives the ok to sneak out a few minutes early. However, this is not something that should be happening without permission. Leaving early and not fulfilling your contractual obligations is a contract violation. This type of violation could lead to discipline including termination, and it could also result in a loss of pay. If you have questions on your contractual obligations, please contact your administration or the Union Office. 

Donate to COPE

Interested in making contributions to COPE? Fill out this form and return it to the NTU Office.

COPE Deduction Form


Contact COPE: Stacey Sweklo, Chair, NTUCOPE@nashuatu.org

COPE's Budget

COPE operates independently from the NTU. Their expenditures do not come out of the NTU budget, but a separate COPE account. The money in the COPE account comes from payroll deductions from members or one-time donations.

Have an idea for the Just for Fun section?  Send it to Adam (president@nashuatu.org).

Pumpkin Spice is here to stay...

Almost two-thirds of those surveyed enjoy pumpkin spice. Me, it depends on the day.

Just for Fun

As I write this, it's pouring out. If it were 30 degrees colder, it would be snow, and if it were 30 degrees warmer, it would still be rain but much more enjoyable. This week's question deals with snow and sand.

For the NTU calendar, click here

For the BOE calendar, click here

For the BOE agendas and minutes, click here

Upcoming Events 

Questions? Comments? Need Assistance?  Contact a member of the Executive Board

Trying to email Adam? Make sure to use president@nashuatu.org